Tuesday, 31 July 2012

And finally some actual animation!

It's only just occurred to me that I haven't actually put much animation up here at all, so I thought I would upload my latest completed project- a box push. The background is very simple as I was purely concentrating on the animation.

We were instructed to animate a push/ pull/ or weight lift of some sort, so I decided to go with the idea of this little dude pushing a massive box up a ramp. But alas, it's not worth the effort! Anyway, enjoy and leave a comment/ critique if you feel like it. :)

Technical stuff: Maya 2012, using the Buckid Rig.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Wolf Study

My tonal version and colour of a wolf study that I did today. From a photo reference :). I haven't really done this using this technique before so it was all a bit of a learning curve. I really enjoy doing this sort of thing and I like feeling as if I've learnt something when I finish a drawing.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Life Drawing

Just a quick update with some life drawing sketches that I've done recently (the ones that I am happiest with). The top was done with charcoal the others are done with a standard pencil. And all the drawings had different lengths of time, though I can't remember exactly what was what.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Modelled Creature

Here is my Alien creature modelled from my concepts- now with it's own turn-around!
 I had almost finished texturing the model when the programme crashed and I lost the save file, and unfortunately I did not have the time to texture it before submitting it. So, instead I loaded a previous file and posed it instead. I would like to redo the textures again when I find some time, but for now this is what I've got.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Creature Creation

We had to create our own Alien creatures with a cybernetic suit and that had elements from several different animals. So I begun with some basic sketches to generate some ideas and I also did some animal studies (below).

And some gun studies above (just drawn from pictures of already existing guns for reference and ideas as I actually don't have a clue about what guns, of any sort of variation, look like).
Better put together concept page. I like this better than the last one I did and there are more this time. Hoorah!
 My two favourite designs, but I eventually decided to go with the design on the right because I felt it worked better than Mr. Goat Man.
Just a turn around of my design! I have drawn his arms in the side view, but I haven't put that in in this version. But they do exist!

And I have just about completed modelling this guy, and I have begun to texture him in Mudbox (although I've been finding that it seems a bit of a fickle programme sometimes...) but still, it is good fun to use and hopefully I can get a nice model which looks like my design completed soon!

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Island Time

Ok! So, there will be no update next week as I am going to Niue for a week. Hopefully there will be better weather there than in New Zealand and warmer too.

So in the mean time I made this picture. Hooray for nice tropical colours! And I will update when I return and have some nice new work to put up :)

Monday, 2 July 2012

Coloured Drawings and Art Blocks

Just the black and white concepts from before but now with colour! Hooray!
Hmm... I like them individually, but the colours don't really work together all that well. I may have to change this later because it's kinda bugging me :I

I've been having a bit of an art block recently (which is frustrating because now I actually have some free time my brain/ hand is making all my drawings look poo). So hopefully I will come out the other side soon and make some good looking pictures. I want to do some full scenes because they're a lot more rewarding (and usually interesting to look at). And challenging. Good old challenges!

Well, that's all for now!

[deviantart account- www.eliket.deviantart.com